Our Clinic Safety Protocols for In-person Appointments
We take extra precautions to keep us all safe.
What patients can expect from us:
1. Screening: All staff, patients and visitors will be screened for any symptoms prior to entering the clinic.
2. Practitioners commit to daily rapid testing for covid19.
3. Disinfection: Extra time is scheduled between clients for the disinfection of all touch surfaces. We have hand sanitizer stations throughout the clinic.
4. We continue to practice proper hand hygiene techniques, masking at all times and gloves as required.
5. Practitioners are fully vaccinated including all boosters (5/23).
What we expect from patients:
1. Stay home if you are sick by notifying us 24 hours before your appointment.
2. Do not come to your appointment if you have anyone quarantining at your home or have been in contact with a confirmed case of covid, RSV, flu or any type of illness that can impact others. We deal with compromised patients and cannot afford to take any risks.
3. Arrive alone (sorry no guests) and on time.
4. Wear a mask and remove footwear before entering the clinic space.
5. Disinfect hands on arrival and exit of the clinic
6. If you have travelled outside of Canada, please take a rapid test the MORNING of your appointment (swab throat, cheeks and nose).