Category Archives: Announcements
A New Year….
Ahhhh! The thrills and dreams of a New Year! We hope that the first 11 days of 2012 are still full of the magic that New Year’s Eve brings. New hope, ideas, commitments, and zest for life. Grab hold of these and keep them in the forefront of your day!
At The Second Act, we decided to share some of our 2012 plans with you, in hopes that we all can ensure to materialize on what we set out to do.
Our blog is going to change up focus this year.
We really feel that more time and effort should be put on tools and tips for meal planning and nutrition. These posts will often have a link to a recommended recipe to compliment them, and/or our own recipes. While recipes are fabulous to share, the power of knowledge in knowing you are using the best possible foods for yourself and loved ones, we feel, is invaluable.Continue reading
A Late Summer’s Update….What’s to come.
As promised, we are almost ready to launch our library. As well, look for periodic book reviews to really get you motivated. We are down to 5 short lists, and hope to get a top 20 up and running in the next couple of weeks.
Next week, we are starting a new 7 part series which chronicles one patient’s journey to end the battle against sugar in her own words. There are a lot of programs out there advocating against sugar, but we believe that unless you tailor a program to an individual and his or her needs, stopping is a temporary fix. We hope that you find this enlightening and encourage Jenny as she goes through the experience. She has her job on the line if she does not get things under control.
In September, we start the long awaited weekly recipe blog. We will kick things off with back to school ideas for those living away from home for the first time, for Moms packing lunches and for everyone who wants to eat better themselves at lunch.
We will also launch the thought for the week – which will be posted on Mondays each week.
For those inquiring, we do plan on having a newsletter and will post information on this and the e-book series sometime towards the end of September.
We thank everyone who is interested in obtaining patient services. At present, we are full to what we are able to accommodate – but will be offering new patients an online request form to get more details on specific programs we specialize in.
What have you been up to this summer? Motivated? Ready for a change?
So, let’s get going, shall we? Until next week!
The Second Act Team.